Patio Black Spot Remover for Artificial Stone
For use on manufactured slabs such as Marshalls, Bradstone and Haddonstone. Including, all cement-based, precast patio slabs. Patio Black Spot Remover for Artificial Stone is also suitable for concrete, porcelain, resin driveways and composite decking.
4 Litres: Maximum Area: 20 square metres.
2 Litres: Maximum Area: 10 square metres.
Patio Black Spot Remover is currently the only product developed specifically to safely remove those hideous black spots and restore the natural colour to garden stonework. Patio Black Spot Remover for Artificial Stone will remove black lichen from all types of artificial surfaces, including green algae and white fungi.
Using Patio Black Spot Remover will help maintain the life of your garden stonework including your pointing. When you rely on pressure to clean your stonework, you risk removing the surface of the stone whilst helping to dislodge the pointing. Patio Black Spot Remover gently restores the natural colours and lifts dirt and grime effortlessly making pressure washing effortless.
To maintain your garden stonework and stop the return of the black spots, buy and apply our Patio Black Spot Preventer annually. This will remove any black spot spores before they have the chance to germinate and turn into spots. It will also remove green algae without the need to power wash! The Preventer does not need to be applied until 12 months after the Removal process.
Patio Black Spot Remover is biodegradable and acid-free allowing you to wash the product into the flower beds and over the lawn without causing any harm.
The coverage rate is based on a patio that is 3 years old. The older the stone, the more treatments will be required. Carry out a trial slab first to determine the coverage on your stonework.

How to use
Prior to use, pressure wash the area to remove any surface dirt and loose debris. It is important the Patio Black Spot Remover comes into direct contact with the surface of the stone and the black Spots. Any surface dirt will reduce the effect of this product.
A dry overcast day when rain is not forecast is ideal. The product works when wet, if it dries too quickly the performance will be reduced.
Supplied in liquid form, ready for use.
Pour straight into a 5L or 7L Hozelock garden pneumatic sprayer.
Coverage – not exceeding 5 SQM per 1L.
Dwell time: leave for 2 hours. No need to scrub.
Remove using a pressure washer with a fan jet (Vario).
Kills all forms of organic growth including, green and red algae, white fungi, black spots (lichen) and moss.
Available in 2 and 4 litre containers.
Marshalls or Bradstone
1. Use neat – DO NOT DILUTE – Pour our solution into a pneumatic garden sprayer. (A ‘Hozelock’ 5L or 7L sprayer is recommended. Do not use a hand sprayer.) Pressurise the sprayer.
2. Apply the product to a dry surface, as a fine mist and saturate the surface.
3. If you have not used the product before. Treat just one slab first. The older the stone, the more treatments it will require. The product will remove every single last spot. By completing one slab first, this will give you an indication of how many treatments your stone will require. Only when you have removed all the black spots from the first slab, continue with the rest of the area.
5. Once applied, allow to cure for a period of 2 hours.
6. Remove using a pressure washer, ideally with a minimum flow of 7 litres per minute. Use the fan jet attachment to sweep the dirt away. Other attachments such as circular spinning attachments will not give you the best results.
7. Any black spots that remain, simply retreat (when the surface is dry) allow to cure for 1 hour then wash off.
8. Repeat this process until no black spots remain.
9. Apply the Patio Black Spot Preventer 12 months later. Do not seal the patio.
Exceeding the recommended coverage rate will reduce the performance of this product. Coverage will vary depending on surface porosity and profile, e.g when treating sloping areas or riven surface, beware of surface run off and retreat as necessary to ensure correct coverage.
The Patio Black Spot Remover is quickly and readily biodegradable. The effluent if washed into soil, flower beds or lawn will breakdown rapidly. This product will not affect surrounding lawns or foliage in diluted state. Keep animals and unprotected persons off the treated area until dry.
Ensure product doesn’t come into contact with skin, eyes or respiratory tract. In the event product does comes into direct contact with the body, immediately rinse with water. Ensure this product does not come into contact with fabrics or furnishings.